Sunday, November 3, 2013

Starting over . . . again

It's been a long time since I wrote.  I think once I started dating J., I just, stopped.  I didn't know what he would think of me sharing myself.  But, for the past week or so, there's been something on my mind.  And, I feel like I just need another start.  I'll probably hunt down some of the other bloggers I used to follow, but again, starting again. 

Have you ever had a moment when you knew, right at that second, that your life had just changed and it would never, ever, again be what it was?  I'm not talking getting married, or having a baby, or something that obvious, but just a simple moment.  I've had 2. 

The first was when I went to Argentina.  I spent 2 days in Buenos Aries by myself, as there was some confusion in a connecting flight.  When I first landed, I wanted nothing more than to find my hotel room, and be safe for the next 2 days.   However, once I got there, I realized that I would regret not seeing anything.  So, I sucked it up, made friends with the concierge, and spent the next 2 days exploring.  Even though I might someday go back, I knew, at that time, I would never ever again be at that place in my life.  And I realized, that I was ok.  I could take care of me.  It was more of a physical feeling, but still, it was a game changer for me.

The other time, was this past weekend.  We had our awards banquet, and I was shocked to receive an award.  It said to me that my fellow crew members appreciated me, my contributions, and what I have to offer.  It was enough to recharge me, to have me ready to go out and serve some more.  Afterwards, I wasn't quite ready to go home yet, so I went to visit my friend at her job.  She's a bartender, but I really just like being able to sit and visit.  Anyway, once there, I ran into a client, who introduced me to his friend.  I put on my "professional, happy" face, and was courteous, until I got a good second look.  Hellllloooo, handsome!  And, I proceeded to spend the next few hours talking to him.  Now, I am positive that I will never hear from him (Yes, he did ask for my number), but at that time?  In that moment?  I felt attractive.  Confident.  Interesting.  See, when I'd go out with my friends, I was always the approachable one, but it was my friends who left with sharing numbers, not me.  But this time?  It was me.  And since then, I have continued to feel that way.  Dating is hard.  Not dating is hard.  Being single is hard.  But, I realize that I am awesome.  I am a catch.  Just because no one is fishing in my pond right now, doesn't make me any less.  I'm still thinking on that few hours.  I don't think that guy will ever realize how much he changed me, and that I'm grateful for it. 

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